Founded in the United Arab Emirates
Owned by Dr. Adnan who established the connection between quality education to people.
“I openly welcome you to our worldwide educational community, of which you are now an imperative member. Bharat Academy will ensure your access to the first-class edification desired to achieve your goals and dreams and to maximize future openings. May I take this opportunity to wish each of you success and enjoyment on your academic journey.
Whether you are an apprentice, employer or Middle Manager, I want to personally welcome you. In partnership with employers and learning centers, Bharat Academy helps learners grow the awareness, skills and abilities needed for success in this century. Thank you for choosing Bharat Academy to lead you on this education journey.”
Raman Lekhi
CEO - Bharat Academy Education
Founded in the United Arab Emirates
Owned by Dr. Adnan who established the connection between quality education to people.
Opening The Office of Operations
Establishing newly hired personnel to conduct various necessities to ensure Bharat Academy Education buildup.
Establishing Connections
By the teams' hard work and dedication, they have created connections between companies and institutions.
Learning Today, Leading Tomorrow
Bharat Academy Education is always committed to grow and develop to reach out students and professionals to enhance their learning everyday.
UK AIAL International Group Member
Saturday – Thursday : 9:00 am – 8:00 pm
(+971) 54 206 1051
5007, Rigga Business Center, Ibis Hotel, Al Rigga Metro, Dubai
© 2024 Bharat Academy Education